What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently!
I want to capture some notes and interesting concepts I’ve learned from reading the book “First, Break All the Rules” by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman (Copyright © 1999 by the Gallup Organization).
The book represents over twenty five years of research conducted by the Gallup Organization. They interviewed millions of employees and managers in order to find out what makes the most successful manager. They asked hundreds of different questions, on every conceivable aspect of the workplace, job duties, workplace satisfaction, management style etc. They also collected metrics and other performance data on a cross section of twelve distinct industries, analyzing scores of things such as productivity, profitability, employee retention, and customer satisfaction.
They then took all of this survey info and data, overlayed some statistical and analytical methodology, and boiled down managerial success to twelve basic questions. These then can be further divided into 3 basic sections of employee and team maturity.
So what are the 12 magic questions on which managerial success hinges? Here’s what they came up with…
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